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100 MHz GTL+ Layout Guidelines for the Pentium® II Processor and Intel 440BX AGPset

The Pentium® II processor is the latest processor in the family of Intel Architecture microprocessors. The Pentium II processor extends the power of the Pentium Pro processor and adds the capability of MMX™ media enhancement technology. The Pentium II processor maintains binary compatibility with the 8086/88, 80286, Intel386™, Intel486™, Pentium and Pentium Pro processors. The design of the Pentium II processor system bus enables the Pentium II processor to be “multiprocessor ready. The Pentium II processor implements a synchronous, latched bus protocol that allows a full clock cycle for signal transmission and a full clock cycle for signal interpretation and generation. The Pentium II processor bus uses low-voltage- swing GTL+ I/O buffers, making high frequency signal communication between multiple loads easier. The goal of this layout guideline is to provide a system designer with the necessary information for designing the printed circuit board layout of a 100 MHz GTL+ system bus using the Pentium II processor and Intel 440BX AGPset. This document provides methodologies and guidelines that are to be used with good engineering practices in designing your system. It does not provide hard and fast rules. See the Pentium II processor datasheet and the applicable chipset specification for component specific electrical details. Intel strongly recommends running analog simulations using the available I/O buffer models together with layout information extracted from your specific design, especially if the design deviates from the layout recommendations of section 4. In addition, for designs that are based on the layout recommendations, simulation will confirm adherence to the guidelines.

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